
42nd anniversary since Roe vs Wade

Since 22nd January, 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand through Roe v. Wade, abortion has been…

Polish bishops blast directive ordering all EU states to allow abortion-causing drugs

European Commission’s directive mandating that the ellaOne morning-after pill be made available over the counter in all EU member states…

Healing the Wounds of the Culture of Death

Every January our attention is turned in a particular way to the pro-life message. It is the time when we…

Baby Screamed During Live-Birth Abortion, We Can’t Forget This Baby’s Cries

Members of Congress next week have an opportunity to right a travesty of injustice. Every day in the United States,…

This Mother of Four Was Fired From a Catholic Hospital Because of Her Pro-Life Views

In July 2013, Montserrat Balselles was dismissed from her job at a Catholic hospital because she didn’t want to participate…

Pope’s Address at Meeting of Families in Manila

The angel of the Lord revealed to Joseph the dangers which threatened Jesus and Mary, forcing them to flee to…

Abortion battle at UN continues as assembly readies to negotiate new development agenda

NEW YORK — Activists and governments that promote abortion and sexual rights see a new global scheme on development as…

Midwives, Second-Class – Terminating Religious Freedom in the UK

The adage goes that when it comes to social issues, the United States is at best a decade or two…