
France Pushes Abortion Rights Beyond Its Borders – Malta mentioned

In an article by Julie Bhatia and Hajer Naili of WeNews, it was reported that a French delegation is pushing…

Are Men’s And Women’s Brains The Same?

A recent magnetic resonance imaging research study has shown that it is possible to distinguish males and females with an…

Beware the Trojan Horse

The prospective Bill on ‘gender identity’ is the next move in the shabby scheme to undermine the family. The assault…

Equality is the name of the game

The proposed Gender Identity, Expression and Sex Characteristics Act attempts to make a case for equality and human rights by… reports: Calls for law to stop anti-abortion protests outside clinics

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) is calling for new laws to move anti-abortion protesters from the doorstep of its…

Submission for the Gender Identity (GIGESC) Consultation by Life Network and Gift of Life Foundation Malta

A Bill entitled An Act for the recognition and registration of the gender of a person and to regulate the…

Prime Minister Muscat On Abortion

During a visit by the Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s at the Life Network’s stand, members of the Life Network gave exposure…

Pro-Life Student Wing On Campus

The Pro-life foundation Life Network youth wing would like to cordially invite all the University staff students to visit their…