
A Euphemism For Killing A Person

The term ‘assisted dying’ pretends to be a ‘compassionate and caring’ way to end life but is in fact a…

Where Treatment Is Death

The Liverpool Care Pathway has finally made the headlines in Malta. However, the instances of helpless patients being denied the…

2 Million Pro-Life Petition Vetoed

The largest petition, in the history of the European continent, calling for an end to European funding of research that…

Pro-life Malta’s third Great Siege begins

As the battle continues across Europe and the World, journalist Hilary White, mentioned Malta as the last European country standing…

Is The Church Being Heard?

Ian Grech’s outburst against the Church (‘Church’s voice is loud enough’, July 10) betrays a profound ignorance of elementary history…

Freedom to choose life

A truly humane society is measured by how it cares for its weakest members, namely the preborn, the ill, the…