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Press Release 10/04/24

Life Network urges all Maltese MEPs to vote against proposal of “right to abortion” in upcoming vote on EU Fundamental Rights Charter, citing misinformation, Malta-EU Assentation Treaty, EU Law, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  The draft proposal to include the right to abortion in the EU Fundamental Rights Charter, includes misinformation in regard […]

Patricia Sandoval at March for Life 2023

Patricia Sandoval – will speak about her Escape from Drugs, Homelessness, and the Back Doors of Planned Parenthood   Patricia came from a broken home, good and bad boyfriends, three abortions, a job at Planned Parenthood (where she was told never to reveal what she saw), followed by methamphetamine addiction and homelessness. Patricia Sandoval’s life […]

Planned Parenthood Uses Hamas Attack to Sell Abortion

On October 7, Israel was the victim of one of the most horrific terrorist attacks in modern history. Heavily armed Hamas gunmen flew or drove into civilian centers and then began slaughtering everybody within reach, including women and children. By the time the massacre was done, over 1,000 Israelis had been killed, thousands more injured, […]

Country singer releases moving song about brother with Down syndrome

A country singer has released a new song about his younger brother with Down syndrome, celebrating the differences they have and urging for inclusion and acceptance. John Paul Von Arx said on his website that he released the song and music video, which features his brother Sam, to “bring hope to parents expecting a baby with Down […]

Mother, you will never need walk alone

Life Network Foundation has inaugurated “Id F’Id” (Hand in Hand), new premises providing material assistance services for pregnant women and young families raising infants. The opening of Id F’Id complements the holistic support services for women run by Life Network Foundation… Read the full Press Release (in English) here. Read the Press Release in Maltese […]

Selfless mother-of-two volunteers to save abandoned premature babies

A 25-year-old Tanzanian woman has given up all her time to provide 24-hour ‘kangaroo care’ to abandoned premature infants. The life of Mariam Mwakabunga, a selfless mother-of-two and a resident of Kinyerezi in Ubungo District in Tanzania, radically changed when she visited a hospital and discovered the plight of premature babies who had been abandoned.  […]

Still fighting for the unborn in one of Europe’s last pro-life sanctuaries

International pressure to change Malta’s abortion law has ebbed and flowed, but has increased greatly in recent years. On June 23, the Maltese Government made an abrupt positive pro-life U-turn, shelving an abortion “reform” bill the Labor Government had introduced in November 2022 and hoped to enact by Christmas. It reversed course following a huge […]

How Malta Just Stopped Legalised Abortion

American pro-life attention since June 2022 has focused on the legal status of abortion in the aftermath of the Dobbs decision, removing Roe v. Wade’s straitjacket on states that wanted to protect prenatal life. Fewer people know that during the same period, a similar pro-life fight played out on the Mediterranean island nation of Malta, one of Europe’s last two […]

American College of OB/GYNs announces support for killing preborn humans ‘without limits’

The pro-abortion American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG) has announced that it will nationally support abortion up to birth “without limits.” In an op-ed written by leaders of ACOG and the Society of Family Planning for The Washington Post, the groups stated that abortion “must be available without restrictions, without limitations and without barriers.” Read the full article […]

European bishops: there is no “fundamental right to abortion”

COMECE on the “ethical indefensibility” of an EU fundamental right to abortion In the context of the public debate on including a supposed right to abortion in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, COMECE publishes the statement ‘The Ethical Indefensibility of an EU Fundamental Right to Abortion’ elaborated by its Commission on Ethics. Read more here. 

EU Bishops: ‘No such thing as a right to abortion’

EU Bishops: ‘No such thing as a right to abortion’ As the European Parliament prepares to discuss a second resolution reaffirming its support to the US 1973 ruling Roe v. Wade, which was recently overturned, the Catholic Bishops of the EU insist that abortion is not a fundamental human right.   See the full article […]

Christian spirituality: The battle for life

Life is a perennial struggle between egoism and altruism, between good and evil The recent approved but wrongly termed ‘abortion’ bill unleashed a tsunami of comments from all four winds. […] The undisputed aim of most people was and is to safeguard life, especially the life of a mother facing the harrowing decision of having […]

Life-saving bill approved unanimously by parliament

Malta has changed its abortion laws for the first time in history, with parliament approving a law allowing doctors to terminate a pregnancy in limited circumstances. MPs approved Bill 28 to amend Malta’s Criminal Code on Wednesday afternoon, seven months after it was first tabled in parliament. All Government and Opposition MPs voted in favour of […]

Amended pro-life bill passes through committee stage, despite appeals by pro-choice activists

The government’s amended abortion bill has passed through Parliament’s committee stage with unanimous support from all MPs present, despite appeals by pro-choice activists for the bill which had initially been proposed to be reinstated. The amendments to the bill, which seeks to change Malta’s Criminal Code, were presented last week, with the government changing several […]

Opinion: The dishonest abortion lobby

Those who promote abortion are not being honest with the public in the arguments they make From 1973 to 2022, the US Supreme Court rulings in Roe v Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v Casey (1992) created and maintained federal protection for a pregnant woman’s right to get an abortion. On June 24, 2022, the US Supreme Court explicitly overturned Roe […]

Uncomfortable government MPs face ‘betrayed’ pro choice activists in parliamentary committee

Government U-turn on abortion amendment sees activists expressing their anger at how Bill ‘will make the situation even worse’ Visibly uncomfortable government MPs faced “betrayed” pro choice activists during Monday’s parliamentary committee sitting. “You gave us hope, only to reverse on your previous position. You had the opportunity to instil change, and now you turned […]

The Coalition in favour of Life accomplishes its objective. NO TO ABORTION WINS.

23/6/ 2023   Statement issued by the Coalition Int Tista Ssalvani led by the Life Network Foundation, Doctors for Life and I See Life; and 44 NGOs, Organisations, Groups and Associations together with the Former President of the Republic Marie Louise Coliero Preca and Mr Edgar Preca and the Group of 80 Experts. The Coalition in […]

Malta govt backs down on abortion bill after protests

Reuters VALLETTA, June 23 (Reuters) – Malta’s government on Friday backed down on a bill which would have allowed the abortion of pregnancies when the mother’s health was at serious risk, saying instead that terminations would only be allowed when the mother’s life was in danger. Read the full article here.

Pro-life relief, pro-choice dismay: reactions to changed abortion bill

Revised amendments to Malta’s abortion laws have sparked contrasting reactions Pro-life activists have welcomed changes made by the government to a proposed amendment to the Criminal Code that will allow for the termination of a pregnancy in select circumstances. However, pro-choice groups have reacted strongly to the changes, saying that the bill went “from a law that […]

HUMAN RIGHTS1 in 264,000 chance: Mother of twins naturally conceives rare fraternal triplets

In April, a Virginia mom of an 8-year-old son and six-year-old twin sons doubled the size of her brood from three… to six! On April 12th, Monique Davual’s family welcomed fraternal triplets, son Jihad and daughters Mielle and Noelle, into the world via Cesarean section at 33 weeks gestation. Monique told Good Morning America she’d previously said […]